Recycling Centre
The Blue House ‘Karung Guni’ is an innovative space which offers a myriad of possibilities for children to explore and create to expand on their creativity and imagination with the widest range of reused, recycled and retrieved materials. When children visit this fascinating space, they are enticed to rummage through the amazing recycled collections and are inspired to build and create with their ‘found treasures’.
If you are an individual or a company who is interested in contributing any found or unused treasures to our atelier, we welcome and opportunity to connect with you. We are also always on the lookout for artists or individuals who enjoy ‘tinkering’ to spend time with us, creating alongside Blue House children.
Resident Artists
At Blue House, we do not see children as isolated in their learning experiences. We place children at the centre of the learning journey, surrounded by people, information, materials, resources and an environment that will inspire and provoke ways of thinking, doing and being. We do not provide children with knowledge to digest, rather we create an environment where they are encouraged to investigate for themselves, to hypothesise, question, problem solve and theorise and to do so both collaboratively and independently.
As part of this effort, we invite Resident Artists Stefanie Hauger, and Isabelle Desjeux of L’Observatoire at Blue House, into the school community, to work and create on site, to collaborate with our educators and to work alongside our children.
Surrounding children with a learning community that believes they are capable strengthens their connection with the world and sees them create value and place importance on who they are in it. Such is the wonder of the early years experience.
Click here for more information about Stefanie and Isabelle, and the incredible knowledge they contribute to our community of learning for children.
The Bridge Initiative
“We will work to have a positive impact in the lives of children across the globe, and we will make a difference in the lives of Blue House children as they see their teachers, staff and parents working to support others in the community. That is the true meaning of education”.
Shona Sanosi, Blue House Founder
Founded in 2018, The Bridge Initiative is inspired by our belief that education is not an isolated experience, nor does it have a beginning or end. For young children in particular, they learn from every interaction they have from the moment they wake to the moment they sleep. They never stop learning. Children deserve the greatest focus of our efforts. They deserve a world where we advocate for them, doing our best to make their world a better place.
Join us as we connect with organisations, initiatives and communities here in Singapore and across the globe to make a difference in the lives of the world’s children.
For enquiries and more information please contact us at thebridge@bluehouseinternational.com.